Wednesday 21 October 2015

OUGD403// Studio Brief 01- Logotype (03)

Following on from my initial drawings and observations on military/ effective typefaces, I took to my computer and experimented typographically with new styles inspired by the previous compositions.

Mid ground Kerning
Loose Kerning- too tight around the FF making the left look heavier than the right.

Tighter Kerning with a bigger space between the F,F. I tried to keep the top line compact and spread out "club" to create a blockier dynamic.

I had the idea to create a subtle 'military inspired' san-serif typeface yet had no idea how to go about it. For inspiration I turned to DaFont and actually found a typeface I felt could really be identified with the brand called AG Stencil. I experimented with the burning and joined the I and the L to suggest companionship and a connection between the brand and the customers- referencing their mission statement. 

"Military Mars" - inspired by the idea of the Mars Symbol, yet adapted with military symbols and iconography

During this part of the development process I cast my mind back to Massimo Vignelli's theory that we only need 6 typefaces. With this in mind, I chose Bodoni- a serif with the most elegant reputation and flow. I introduced wide kerning but feel this is very very very boring. I feel structured layout is effective at suggesting a classier look, just don't feel its the most appropriate solution for the age demographic.

I experimented with the type face Lobster and widened its kerning slightly to elongate the letters and make them more readable from a distance. This was a response to the hand rendered style my peers and I found ascetically pleasing, whilst linking into the mens 'Barber shop' graphics trend really effectively. I really like the incorporation of the circle theme, still linking into the military aspect but in a much more subtle way. I feel the use of Lobster is too much for the 'established..' and 'Sunderland...', as they are on a curve the italic may become one blur if viewed from a distance. 

I have currently only been working in Black and White, as it is very important that the Logotype is recognisable in grayscale, thus not being to excessively reliant on colour. When I develop these ideas further I want to incorporate subtle uses of masculine colours. So far I have these Pantone shades in mind...

The green's and browns to reference traditional Army and RAF iconography, only intended to be used very subtly. 

The blues to reference stereotypical colour connotations for boys/ men, identifiable with the target age group of 12- 24. Furthermore, a key colour in the promotion of several armed forces including the Navy and the Marines. The below experiments have not been as successful as first planned. The first two do not pop for me, the flat mid colour is bland and boring- something I am trying to get away from. The mid two are experimentations with the same colour combinations, in a heftone manor. I was instantly drawn to these however, I feel I am differing away from my intentions as the logotype would not become iconic if it is only identifiable if the set colour is behind it. The bottom two are experimenting with the Lobster style on different coloured block backgrounds. As one of its main uses will be on the website, currently black (which is typical of mens fashion), it is necessary it must be versatile inverted. 

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