Wednesday 9 November 2016

Considerations for Designing the book

What information do I need to include? Who to credit?

All photographs were taken and processed by myself, yet some of the copy is obtained from numerous sources. These range from first hand statements to internet research.

As I want to make my book relatively marketable, I plan to keep all the officially you would find in a fully published book. e.g.: Hells Angels Book.

To do this I need to include:

As I am still indecisive about binding methods, I plan to create two mock-up books with relatively similar layouts- working off the composed grid system. This will take into considerations gutter proportions, alongside the area of paper hidden by screw binding. In my intentions I stated that the pleasure and satisfaction the viewer receives from books is a contributing factor to why they are there- an area I want to maximise, not hinder. With this in mind, perfect binding or signature binding are ways to allow the viewer to turn and inspect the full page with ease- rather than trying to ply open a tight book- that experience negatively impacts the reader, so whats the motivation to carry on?



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