Friday 11 November 2016

OUGD504- What is User Experience?

User experience is term used by Graphic Designers, programmers and tech-developers a like. It refers to the qualitative values one can gain and expect from a digital program- just as they would gain or expect in normal life. By tapping into emotive qualities, the designer has a better understanding of how to re-create these emotions to subtly influence the user, or even market to them subconsciously. Dopamine is an addictive toxin produced in the brain when stimulated with certain pleasures- alcohol, drugs, gambling and even social media are used to trigger an influx in dopamine, and when this occurs the user finds it hard to stop.

A recent interview outlines the toxicity of heavy social media use and the connection to dopamine in the brain. By knowing how to create a pleasurable experience, doesn't mean it has to be addictive- it can simply inform practice. All of these pleasurable stimuli contribute towards User Experience (wether positively or negatively), but by tapping into real emotions, a real journey/connection can be formed.

Hassenzahl and Roto 2007

An achievable journey can be created through an 'Experience'

Phenomenology is a branch of philosophy dealing with subjective experience, experiences can change to external and personal factors- giving each user a subtly different experiences.

This can be experiences derived from subconscious or consciousness.
Find a way to measure subjective experience

Qualities of a effective Graphic Designer:

Problem Solving skills
Visual literacy
Critical awareness
Cultural knowledge
Interdisciplinary skills

All of the ways they receive design or text is mysterious to us due to this subjectivity- need to tap into the overall experience to interrogate individual experience and consciousness.


Aspects and theories of subjectivity play a private role in GD Practice, certain factors of subjectivity for the understanding to the individual, including: Gender / Sexuality/ Desire/ Identity. These aspects were adopted in Ernest Dichter's "motivational research" which explore often hidden motivators in consumers, an extension of Freud's theories to the hidden re-pression we all experience daily.

"Vance Packard - Hidden Motivators"

In his talk, NYX3 James Crudely talked about the important of using "meaningful" photographs throughout UXD process to provide context and meaning to the design iterations.

Spacial Perceptions in Design

Graphic Design is a balance between aesthetic appreciation and communication that places the end-user at central motivations. By understanding the User Experience and critical awareness of society and the evolution of the ease of technology, we have the ability to create the solutions of tomorrow- today. UXD is non the less subjective, each user has the capability to have a completely different enjoyment/dislike/annoyance/excitement, than their others

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