Tuesday 15 November 2016

OUGD503 - Responsive Initial Ideas

Nihalistic / Realist greetings cards and stationary paraphernalia
  • considered the opposite of ‘cheery’ messages which beat around the true reason someone is sending a card. They are sending someone a piece of communication fundamentally to connect with them- send them a message or transmit a positive feeling as an act of good will. 

  •  People also send greetings cards because they often don’t know how to say/word something. They want to tell their friends ‘happy birthday’ or ‘congratulations on your new house!’.. what they don’t celebrate are the true achievements in life which actually need celebrating. Personal hardship, deep emotional trouble or dark periods in individual lives or even as consolidation for a nationwide issue eg: ‘Sorry your friends elected Trump’ or ‘Fuck that looser, He was a piece of shit anyway’, applying the reversed concept to a range of audiences.
  •   After doing some online research into current cards on the market that target emotional needs, it shook me how none of them were actually designed FOR the receiver. The person receiving this card will probably find it a surprise, someone would go out of their way to do something nice like that- but these words are foany. Their purpose and design suggest they are designed to make the sender feel better about doing something, rather than to improve the receivers mindset and long term quality of life.
  • Granted, greetings cards by nature have a short life span, often thrown away after a few days. However, cards with significant meaning that touch an individual, perhaps a hand written message written inside is hard to let go of. Those few cards, wedding cards/anniversary cards/event specific cards are hidden deep in everyones houses for sentiment, a feeling that ‘it will all be okay’.
  • When considering an primary audience of Mental Health sufferers, first hand research is necessary to best communicate what actually wants/needs to be heard. As person with severe mental health issues myself, metaphors and sad illustrations are just patronising. As are cards which give off the same vibe as a condolences/funeral card. 
  • Despite conveying some difficult/unorthodox messages, I want the purpose to remain on betterment of the receiver. 
  • Small tearable section the receiver can keep in their purse/wallet as a reminder on how to calm down

    -When you tell yourself ‘stop crying’ its a little card in your purse with some breathing exercises or similar message as a practical solution to ‘just get it together’. This is not a solution to prevent manic episodes (or bouts of depression), merely a tool accessible to help when such things arise.

Find Out:

  1. Everything and anything that had helped people in the past   
  2. Explore the connection between colour/design style and target audience

Outline of Concept:

‘Greetings cards to say the things you really can’t’.

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