Tuesday 15 November 2016

OUGD504 After Effects v2

Bringing in PSD compositions

Always bring thing as

File>Import File>'Composition- retain layer sizes'. Without the 'retain layer sizes' option, the objects crop to the size of the Composition, meaning animating can be problematic. Eg: Narrower cloud layer means they can't move as fluidly horizontally.

Creating and building compositions in Photoshop:

When setting up the document in Photoshop use the Film and Video setting. New versions of Photoshop also has settings for App Design, such as iPhone 6 and previous. This will be a useful preset to consider when starting designing for the new Studio Brief. By designing/compositing the scene first in Photoshop, you can directly import it (see above), to save the fuss of doing it again in After Effects- especially when you're more familiar to Photoshop and new to After Effects.

Speed of Animation:

Hold alt key to effect the way numerous key frames interact with each other, speed up and slow down. The space between key frames determines how 'erratic' the shape is. Eg, if rotation is set to a higher number, yet the distance between keyframes is only small- it will need to spin alot quicker to fit in the high number of rotations.

Saving the Project:

File> Save As> _________ - This just saves the project as it is, it does not export or package.

Just like InDesign and Premier, you need to make sure all assets are with the file in a 'package', to enable editing in multiple macs. To do this

File> Dependencies> Collect Files>All

Just like InDesign packages Fonts, Links and Spreads, After Effects does the same thing and saves it as a folder all together. By doing this, you are guaranteed each component is there when you next return to the composition!

Exporting for different formats:

Composition> Add to render queue>format options>H264>Ok

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