Tuesday 1 December 2015

OUGD405// Experimenting with Photography

The photography induction this morning had us investigating and trying to understand the use of ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture and depth of field. It was interesting to find out the f/number correlation is really related to the level of darkness rather than light. The larger the number the less light is let into the lens, meaning a darker image...

A relatively fast shutter speed, complemented with a low f/number has been used. Naturally I expected the natural back lighting to darken the image, so I counteracted this by allowing more light to come into the lense. On manual mode the auto-focus was adjusted to create a suggestive blur, that the houses in the far ground are really far away- contrasting with the falling leaf in the foreground. 
With a faster shutter speed (1/4000), I captured a bird flying through the air on a blanket of negative space. On photoshop the Levels were adjusted to make this contrast deeper, whilst bringing out further detail within the birds wings. 

In contrast, a wavy effect was achieved by using a slow shutter speed and low f/number to create a bright and breezy ascetic. The detail on the figures garment has been duplicated and stretched, alongside the darker light surrounding the window creating an artificial window. This was completely by accident yet the technique has been really effective.

Finally, another fast shutter speed captured on Manual Black and White mode has been used, with the intention to capture water droplets coming of the basin. Despite not being possible, an interesting ascetic has been created where the water pressure creates a 'dry' circle.  This has created a heavier darkness around the outside of the thicker droplets, creating a more detailed surface than seen at a glance.

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