Thursday 3 December 2015

OUGD404// Folding Techniques

The brief had us looking at experimenting with folds, based on an A4 size piece of paper. After looking in 'How To Fold' by the Peppin' Press I found the most innovative and unusual fold which i'd never seen before was the one shown above. The slice method gives another tactile quality to the 'fold', possibly being most interactive for less serious publications.  Naturally, for the effectiveness of this style to be maximised, it is essential to be created out of a heavy weighted stock.

In response to this, I created a really simple 'fold' guide showing how to create accurately. Naturally so it would fold professionally the proportions need to be accurate, hence why emphasis was added to the the numeric sizing. This has been a useful exercise for me when considering the Design Skills brief, as this is definitely something to consider in the future depending on the target audience for the publication. 

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