Saturday 7 January 2017

OUGD504: Progressed Ideas

Developed Wireframes

Solution 01 (Website)

Site Map 01

Gives a hirachy to the information. This helped when distinguishing what was featured on the page, and what was only a click away. I have tried to take the most important parts of research and condense them into 4 main categories to avoid confusion.

After considering the hirachy again, I revisited the site map to plan things out more accurately. On every page there will be a feature where you can search for a property.

Wireframe for proposed solution. A browser for a comparison site for housing and accommodation from all platforms, presented in a concise manor. However, taking on feedback from the target audience it only makes sense to include some of the practicalities of on-the-go browsing. I plan to optimise a website for desktop use, and start the initial outlines of a specific iOS compatibility. 

01 :




The menu is on a revolving bar, twisting and rotating to hide the option panel. When the user hovers over each section, a drop down appears with more features. 



My Account basic wireframe, outlining Saved properties and a basic overview of your needs as a client. At the top the tab's have been reduced to only two, giving a minimal and less evasive format. Looking back, I feel that there should still be a 'property search' function or an icon which takes you to your homepage. Your homepage is where all of the properties are which match your search criteria.

Considering Mobile Browsers/App function

Another straight forward browsing system, split into two bold halves of the screen. The top half 'Search', once tapped, takes you to an another page where you can input all of your specific criteria.

'Browse', takes you to the Deals of The Week section, showing the best properties from all over the country. Here you can filter down your specifications once more, to include deals only in a certain location or of a certain property type. However, this feature isn't needed as much on an application intended for quick, on the go use. The act of browsing normally means you have time to spend, enjoying the experience of looking for properties without an urgency, which makes me question if it is really needed on a desktop platform. Perhaps the screen should have more of an emphasis on designing for a smaller, phone or tablet screen.

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