Monday 6 November 2017

OUGD603: Just Chill - The Happy Newspaper

The Happy News is a newspaper designed to focus on the positive aspects of the world and combat the negativity perpetuated into the world every day. Every single day there are people helping others and doing incredible things in all corners of the planet and the majority of them aren't celebrated, but we think they deserve to be recognised. We aim to bring a refreshing twist on what we typically know as 'news', reporting on positive changes and truly inspiring people'. Publications of this nature are of huge interest to me as utilising positivity helps with mental health, which is what my research publication is about.


The design of The Happy Newspaper follows a conventional scale, however hand rendered typography and wider playful grid system breaks away from the busy corporate design which is the generic house style of most newspapers. Yellow is the main colour used, associated in colour theory with happiness and sunshine. Blues and whites add calming tones, giving the type and light images room to breath. By adding personal touches such as the hand rendered type a personal connection is created with the audience, further enhancing the honesty of the paper. Hand rendered type and illustration is also the speciality trait of Emily Coxhead, founder, so is also an extension of her brand.

Reviews on The Happy Newspaper

It is clear that it effects people very positively all across the country. By focusing on positive topics and imagery The Happy News is an alternative to traditional newspapers, which focus on the increasingly negative world events happening daily rather than the good things in the world. Emily Coxhead, has tapped into a niche market however I wonder if selling the papers is the best way to go to spread positive messages - in an ideal world where funding isn't an issue, a free press of this nature could have widespread positive effects if brought to the masses. 

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