Tuesday 11 October 2016

'Every Book Starts with an Idea' : Armand Mevis Essay

Investigating the essay Every good book starts with an Idea, by Armand Mevis it is apparent that question... the more specific the question the more refined the outcome.
With reference to my book, I want to investigate the relationship between gender through unofficial Harley Davidson typefaces.

"Design and Content need to go hand in hand, like a perfect dance. Sometimes there is too much design and not enough content..."

"You need to be open and reinvent what a book can be"

"The content is a source of inspiration from itself"- Adrian Shaunessy, Unity Publications representative of content

'Every book starts with a idea: Notes for designers', an Amanda Mevis essay taken from a collection within The Form of a Book Book'. A publication inspired by Jan Tshiolds 'The Form of a Book'.
The overall tone of the book is a gentle guide designed to get the viewer to self-analyse. Mevis makes strong statements throughout. "All books tell stories about why or how they are designed", is my story good or interesting? Is there a way to make the publication interesting for people unaware of motorbikes or Harley culture.

This all lead me to think what I actually wanted to achieve from this brief. I'd ideally like to work up to a small income from design work alongside freelance, especially relevant with such a targetable and researched target audience. By making the publication as commercially viable and high quality as possible, I could perhaps work up to pitching to distribution channels.

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