Wednesday 4 April 2018

OUGD603: Unentitled - LIVE - The Audience

The audience for Unentitled is a mixture of age groups - realistically, the main demographic to attend end-of-year events are students and local practitioners in the field, tutors etc. In addition to this, publishers will be invited to help propel the students into the professional world, so the age demographic could range from 18-25, 25-45, even 50+ as many professionals in the writing field do tend to be of older age.

Distribution of marketing material will be mainly within the university, including print based artefacts and on the digital screens. The team running the event are looking into getting a licence to distribute A2 posters on the hexagons around Leeds City Centre, which will be a better way of getting the exhibition out there and attract more people than those specifically invited.

Other ways to do this are to flyer/advertise in spots popular for the target audiences - e.g.: Village Leeds, Waterstones, nearby Cafe's to Publishers in Leeds (or other desirable employers), social media, English and creative departments in other universities.

Main Publishers in Leeds

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