Tuesday 13 March 2018

OUGD603: Unentitled - LIVE - Book & Bake Sale 01

After a second meeting with Lucy, a fundraiser has been organised for the 19th April to help raise money for the exhibition (and hopefully pay me!). The event is called 'Books & Bakes', where they will be selling second hand books and cakes for 50p. I need to be careful with the colour pallets here and potentially avoid using the pastel green, as 'Bakes' could have different connotations within the student audience- especially when advertised with the colour green.. (we don't want any disappointment).


-A4 Posters for around campus (toilets/corridors/classrooms etc), as well as local book stores/ charity shops 

- Digital Screen design for LBSU & different campuses

- Social Media content - Instagram & Facebook promotion

- Flyers (?) - A total budget is not yet confirmed, so printing flyers (especially double sided) may be an opportunity cost and a waste of time

Turn Around

Lucy asked for this 'ASAP' so I needed to make sure I have enough time to balance this with other deadlines on the go at the moment (e.g.: YCN). To be realistic, I negotiated a deadline of 4th April, so they still have over 2 weeks to promote the event and I can prioritise more immediate work.

To stick with the Brand Guidelines, I am keeping to the Roobert Std Family, using ultra-bold  for the headings of Books & Bakes, just off-justifying the alignment.

Strong, simple and statement, can be reduced in scale or blown up to be imposing

Introducing flirty eyelashes enhancing a playful tone of voice - also, apparently a lot of books at the sale are chick flicks/discarded romance novels so may suggest that to the audience

Trying to get the letterforms to work as abstract pages in a book turning - not as successful, quite illegible

 How to join the words together?

Amperstand is much more traditional and legible, however, Roobert Std does not have an ampersand in it's type range. I have been experimenting with the & from Garamond, despite being a serif it has a beautifully fluid curl to its stem and a diffrinciation in weights, making it act as functional ornament. The + is much more contemporary and related to maths lingo- however by introducing too many symbols I could over-confuse the identity. I will seek feedback to solve this problem.
Poster Experiments

Inspiration. The combination of white on pastel tones works well and allows the black typeface to be used and heighten impact - the mixture of type directions and clean grid system allows lots of information to be put in a small surface area. Interactivity is also introduced to the above poster designs by having the STIK Pavillion Exhibition type on an additional white print-out, attached to (presumably) thicker coloured stock. Whilst this is an idea we could run with for unentitled, 1) I don't want to just copy and 2) with the weather in Leeds, the top layer could easily be blown off or ruined if situated in an outdoor environment. This would work for indoor posters, but would also increase cost of production, as colour-specific stocks will need to be sourced and printed on, as well as a top white layer in Kodatrace/90gsm (ish) Stock. Considering any left over budget will be for my fee's, I naturally want to keep production costs as low as possible.

This design can be recreated to the ratio of the digital screens, or even animated, to maintain consistency between the fundraiser and Unentitled.

Monochromatic posters - not so sure on appropriate colour ways. Feedback needed.

Experimenting with 3D type - did not work as planned

Final Poster. Utilising the pastel colour pallet and clear grid system, available for single side print out on almost any stock.
Test Prints

To check what the print quality of the A4 posters will be, i did some test prints to weigh up costs vs quality, as well as hopefully inform the future posters/flyers to promote the Unentitled exhibition. By doing this now, it will save time closer to the deadline.

<test print images>

Instagram Row

To fit in with the Instagram theme for Unentitled, I have created a series of posts and posting structure to tie in with the original theme. By using the social analysis app we can see that the feed has the most interaction around 1-2pm, which statistically isn't the time most users are online - one can wonder if this is the student's main viewing time for Instagram > survey/primary research to find out.  We can use this knowledge to schedule post times and stories to have the most engagement > we also need to grow the Facebook reach.

Introduce the #booksnbakes or #book&bake hashtag, alongside others such as #lbsu #leeds #unentitled #leedsbeckett etc to grow the pages.

Facebook Headers

To give a holistic identity for Books & Bake, I created some cover headers in the same style as the 'Exhibition of Words' main cover images but same colour palette as the posters, making it all link into the same identity system.


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