Tuesday 27 September 2016

Summer Brief- Initial Ideas & Images

Italian Design in Lanzarote, Venice (low quality unsuitable for use?) and the historic boutique city of York. As Erasmus is on my radar for the upcoming year I thought it would be an interesting insight towards Italian typography, especially related around fashion type and investigate historic Serifs- something of interest to me. I ventured to York- a historic hive of interesting boutiques, cafes and type. On a previous visit to York I commented how regal the type was in all settings. A simple street sign or door sign would be transformed with linear angels or decorative serifs. Due to the nature of Italian type and the rich regal heritage of Italian history, I felt shooting York would be an appropriate design decision, as it was not possible to venture to Roma.

Lanzarote //

All taken on 35mm colour film, using a standard disposable camera. A bright attitude has been created through the vivid colour ways.

Unfortunately I lost the majority of the images, as a light leak ruined an almost an entire roll of 24 explore film, with the remainder being binned by Max Spielman. Despite enjoying the documentation of Lanzerote by exposing colourful variations of type and architecture, it is not possible to continue the A-Z brief with these images. Despite shooting more than enough, the process of using film means I cannot continue without travelling back abroad.

In hind sight, when shooting film I should consider duplicating the images on a digital format as well; yet feel this is betraying the whole reason I shot on film in the first place, improving my own technicalities and interest in traditional processes.

York //

Taken on Pentax K1000, shot on Ilford FP45 black and white film. After photographing Lanzarote on colour film, the progress was halted due to the developing at Max Spielman. To avoid this happening in the future, I have opted to shoot on black and white rather than colour, meaning I can practice home developing and further consider manual camera settings.

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